About Us

Wednesday, May. 20 2015, 04:26:56 PM
Edited: Tuesday, Apr. 04 2023, 05:51:53 PM

Project AMPLE began as a collaboration between two brothers to find a way to channel their analytical and creative thinking into making the world a better place. Both avid learners and keen psychological thinkers, they set out to craft a business around their passions. The birth of Project AMPLE came from the appreciation of the five activities they considered to be integral to sustainable success throughout society:

Aim: discover your purpose

Motivate: move to action

Plan: develop a strategy

Learn: acquire knowledge & skills

Educate: share your best with others

The mission of Project AMPLE is to empower people to act purposefully, creatively and productively.

Alex Zichettello is the CEO and a co-founder of Project AMPLE. Alex has a background in mechanical engineering and work as a design engineer and project leader in the automotive industry before transitioning to a role as a knowledge manager. He finds intrigue in all aspects of life but is especially interested in psychology, teaching and creative system design. Alex has a passion for helping people on their path towards a productive and meaningful existence. He believes that Project AMPLE has the capacity to do just that for people all over the world. Alex is in charge of all business operations for Project AMPLE.

Ben Zichettello is the CTO and a co-founder of Project AMPLE. Ben is a deep philosophical thinker with a passion for finding the truth and living a meaningful life. Thoroughly critical, he is always striving for perfection. He is most interested in artificial intelligence and neuroscience but has a wide variety of skills ranging from programming to design and music composition. Ben is in charge of product development for Project AMPLE including all programming and design work.

 azichettello - 8 years, 6 months ago Open

If anyone is interested in learning more about Project AMPLE feel free to ask questions here or on the Project AMPLE Forum


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