Laddice Tutorial

Saturday, Aug. 27 2016, 11:47:10 AM
Edited: Friday, Aug. 21 2020, 01:03:53 PM

The Laddice Tutorial is an interactive run through the entire Laddice framework. This tutorial is a way for new users to understand the basics of how Laddice works and what it can do. It also helps users familiarize themselves with the Laddice layout and terminology.

To access the Laddice Tutorial, click the Tutorial button on the toolbar at the top right of the page.

 LaddiceLearnings - 7 years, 8 months ago Open
Tutorial: Examples

The Tutorial Examples give the user real life examples of how Laddice can be used to make and connect notes. The examples provided have been made with Laddice and are real notes from real users on topics that may be of interest. These examples are a great way for you to get a better feel for how Laddice can be used while teaching you some of the more intricate functions of Laddice.

Since the topics are real life notes, you may find interest in some of these notes and may choose to connect them to your own notes, pin them or even comment on them yourself. You are free to do any of this on any of the tutorial example content which is accessible outside the tutorial as well (see this nodes children nodes).


 LaddiceLearnings - 7 years, 8 months ago Open
Tutorial: Overview

The Laddice Tutorial Overview explains the basic framework of Laddice and introduces the Laddice Workspace.


Read more by LaddiceLearnings