Introducing Laddice

Saturday, Jan. 14 2023, 06:59:58 AM
Edited: Tuesday, Apr. 04 2023, 06:01:38 PM

Introducing Laddice

by Project AMPLE

Laddice is a productivity platform that incorporates notes, tasks and knowledge management into one software.

It was designed through an evolutionary process over many years, with an uncompromising attitude towards solving the human challenge of self management and collaboration. It continues to evolve as we learn more and new technologies become available including AI language models.

The lifeblood of Laddice is Project AMPLE: the collaborative group developing the software and strategies for using it. Technology alone cannot solve the big problems…we need processes and guiding frameworks to support. Project AMPLE helps with consultation activities to understand your specific needs and help you establish a system within Laddice that works for you, whether as an individual or collaborative group.

What Makes Laddice Different?

At the core, Laddice is a connected machine. Every block of text can be individually marked and referenced in all kinds of ways. This allows for quick and flexible task management methods and a means to filter out noise to find relevant content. This simple concept creates opportunities that you don’t see in other software: living connections between different areas of your life and work, capability to seamlessly collaborate with others, and all in a system that promotes creativity and insight.

How Do We Do It?

Content within a Document is comprised of blocks of text (paragraphs) or lists (numeric or bulleted). Each of these blocks contains it’s own history, task marks and tags. These create an identity which can be linked to and from. A filter system can be applied to lists of Documents as well as content within Documents to find relevant blocks and their context while hiding the rest. Smart filters can be created to quickly create desired views and these filters can be used within documents for quick access to dynamic content.

Unlike in more complicated enterprise software, Laddice does not use segmented databases to store notes or folders to organize notes. Rather there is a single stream of content managed on a document-by-document basis. Each document can be part of one or more projects and so can co-exist in personal and shared domains when desired. Each document can easily be tagged and/or linked in various ways so there is no need for duplication, even across different domains of work.

How Can You Use It?

Project AMPLE is beta testing Laddice now. We are looking for users with complex challenges, long term goals, or looking for better ways to organize and manage content who are not satisfied with their current tools and processes. We are happy to assess your situation in a one-on-one consultation and provide guidance on how to address your problems within Laddice (or elsewhere). Some example use cases are:

  • Writing articles or a book

  • Starting a business

  • Research work

  • Note taking for school

  • Starting a new personal project

You can request an account here and we’ll reach out to you.

Read more by azichettello